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Photo A Day Challenge – January 1-12, 2017

All throughout the month of January it seems as though I’ve been racing to catch up from behind – in my day job, in the admin end of my career as a CZT, and in various aspects of my personal life.
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Tangled T-Day No. 3

Welcome to another Tangled T-Day! In addition to this week’s bundle of tangling updates, I’ve got a fun bit of giveaway news to share with you today. Hope you enjoy!

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#MicroblogMondays 125 – MLK

What is #MicroblogMondays?
#MicroblogMondays 125 linkup here!


If we met for coffee

If we met for coffee, I’d say with a sense of relief just what perfect timing it is, since I’m currently all out of my favourite dark-roast beans at home and have been relying on No Name instant (blech!) for the past couple of days to get my morning jump-start. [continue reading…]


Tangled T-Day No. 2

It’s been a fun and creative week of tangling, learning new patterns, and finishing this week’s page in my 2017 art journal. Welcome to another Tangled T-Day – hope you enjoy!

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Reminder: 2017 Word of the Year Linkup

Hey, Alphabet Salad readers – in case you missed (or perhaps forgot!) My 2017 Word of the Year + Linkup post, I’m here with a gentle nudge and timely reminder to sit down and write your own word of the year post and then link up with other bloggers below. [continue reading…]


International Blog Delurking Week 2017

As I was reminded today by the fabulous Melissa Ford of Stirrup Queens, an ancient internet tradition called International Blog Delurking Week is happening… right now! This week! And you – yes, I really do mean YOU – are invited to play! [continue reading…]


Tangled T-Day No. 1

Welcome to my first-ever Tangled T-Day! OK, so it’s not really all THAT different from my previous Tangled Tuesday series – I’ve just decided to tweak the process a little (check out this post if you’d like more details), and to mark the transition I’m [continue reading…]


#MicroblogMondays 123 – Fresh Start

This morning I (along with a goodly portion of the population, I’m betting!) stepped gingerly onto the scale for the first time in a few weeks to face up to the damage done after a (mostly planned) spree of holiday indulgence. I nervously peeked [continue reading…]


New Year’s “Not Resolutions” 2017

Happy New Year to you, Happy 50th Birthday to me, and welcome to my first (annual?) New Year’s “Not Resolutions” post at Alphabet Salad!

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The 50 by 50 Project: The Final Update

You might recall that toward the end of 2015 I shared my 2016 Word of the YearProgress – and followed up at the start of January with an explanation of a project I’d conceived to help me put the word into action in the new year. My introduction [continue reading…]


My 2017 Word of the Year + Linkup

Happy (almost) New Year, Alphabet Salad readers! Since we’re very quickly approaching the end of 2016 (and considering all the rotten stuff that took place in our world this past year, I say moving on to a fresh new one can’t happen [continue reading…]


Photo A Day Challenge – December 1-18, 2016

This month I am early in terms of sharing my Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge pics for December, the rather pathetic reason being that I got off-track partway through and was never actually able to get caught up. Oops!
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#MicroblogMondays 122 – My first creative love

A whole bunch of fun, good, interesting, varied, and generally wonderful stuff kept me busy this past year – so busy that my poor blog was sadly neglected, especially when it came to writing anything of substance. One of my aims for 2017 is to remedy this [continue reading…]


Tangled Catch-Up – Part 4 (last one!)

Merry Christmas Eve! Dashing in between the festivities of the season to share my final tangled catch-up before getting back on schedule for the new year. Today I’m wrapping up this mini-series with some odds-and-ends – tangled goodies, challenges, and [continue reading…]


Tangled Catch-Up – Part 3

Continuing on from Tangled Catch-Up – Part 1 and Tangled Catch-Up – Part 2, today’s post is an update on the wonderful (and it truly has been wonderful!) world of tangled teaching and my life as a CZT. Hope you enjoy!
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Tangled Catch-Up – Part 2

Ready for another tangled catch-up post? Don’t mind if I do! Carrying on from Tangled Catch-Up – Part 1, today I thought I’d share with you the finished projects I’ve completed since my latest Tangled Tuesday post. Hope you enjoy!
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