If we met for coffee, I’d say with a sense of relief just what perfect timing it is, since I’m currently all out of my favourite dark-roast beans at home and have been relying on No Name instant (blech!) for the past couple of days to get my morning jump-start. Better than nothing, but I’m looking forward to restocking the good stuff! In the meantime, let’s chat over a cuppa.

If we met for coffee, I can promise you’d hear a whole lot about the number one thing in my plans lately – my upcoming trip to Italy (yes, Italy!) with my mom and sister. I’d tell you how I’ve been going a wee bit crazy adding a collection of trip-related goodies to my planning, preparation, and packing piles – touristy travel books, a trip journal, a map of Italy, a theft-proof purse, a new suitcase and accompanying organizers, a carry-on backpack, walking shoes, a desk calendar, and even a game of Scopa to get me in an Italian frame of mind!
Yes, I will admit that I’m just a wee bit preoccupied with getting ready for my trip of a lifetime. 🙂
If we met for coffee, I would confess that even though I’m not an American, I’ve been feeling incredibly sad and nostalgic as I’ve read articles and watched coverage of farewells from President Obama, Vice President Biden, and their families as their terms come to an end. I would share my concerns about the days to come, and probably express frustration about the fact that in spite of being a citizen of another country, what happens in the US has the potential to affect our lives as well.
If we met for coffee, I’d then move on to happier things and tell you how much fun I’m having getting familiar with and using my new point-and-shoot camera (another of the goodies bought in preparation for my trip!). I’d enthuse about the sharpness and clarity of photos and the convenience of being able to upload them to my iPhone via wifi for editing, and would show you this pic of Oscar as an example of the lovely quality.
If we met for coffee, I’d let you know how much your friendship means to me, and how glad I am that we’ve had this time together.
If we met for coffee, what would you tell me?
Please share!