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* about

I blog about life as I live it at Alphabet Salad – “an eclectic assortment of rants & ramblings.”

Laurel Regan - Alphabet SaladI am a writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, and ongoing work in progress.

I am originally from Victoria, BC (Canada), but now make a home for myself in a century-old house in the vibrant Walkerville area of Windsor, Ontario (still in Canada!) where I live, work, and create.

Why Alphabet Salad?

Alphabet Salad is an eclectic assortment of words (alphabet) tossed together (salad) and served up as a taste of my life, thoughts, and experiences – a joyfully niche-free creative space offering a little something for everyone.

Why the typewriter theme?

This post explains it.

Alphabet Salad Commenting Policy

This post has all the details.

Write Tribe