Well, I’ve been back from my vacation of a lifetime for a couple of weeks now, and though I desperately miss Italy and all the fun I had, it’s good to be back to a life of tangling! I’d briefly forgotten how wonderful it can be to lose oneself for hours in [continue reading…]

June is here, and I am back in Windsor after an absolutely marvelous three-week vacation in Italy. While I didn’t have time to do a whole lot of tangling while I was away, I do have a few goodies to share with you since my previous Tangled T-Day post. [continue reading…]

I participated in the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge for May, but did so a little differently this month. Since I was traveling in Italy and Paris for three weeks (more on that in future posts!), I decided that my photos for all of the prompts would be [continue reading…]

It’s been awhile, and I have a ton of tangling goodness to share with you, so I thought I’d sneak in one last Tangled T-Day post before I head off for my vacation to Italy (where I will hopefully collect lots of patterns and store up a well of inspiration for [continue reading…]

Another month, another incomplete batch of pics from yours truly for the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge! I missed one day and tried to carry on in spite of it, hoping I’d be able to catch up, then abandoned the project a few days later after getting [continue reading…]

Back again after some time away from blogging – but definitely NOT from tangling! – to offer up another Tangled T-Day update and a bunch of colourful tangled eye candy for your viewing pleasure. Hope you enjoy!
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Today I am celebrating not only the arrival of another weekend, but also the fact that for the first time in ages (last fall, I believe?!) I have actually managed to complete a full month of the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge! And best of all, I am rather thrilled [continue reading…]

Happy Tangled T-Day, my friends! I’m excited to share a whole bunch of tangling goodness with you today, including the result of trying a new-to-me technique which I absolutely LOVE and am definitely looking forward to working with again. Hope you enjoy! [continue reading…]

It has been another busy week in my world (this is getting to be a pattern!) consisting of teaching and tangling in between all the other regular details of life, and I have some good stuff to share with you in today’s Tangled T-Day post. Hope you enjoy! [continue reading…]

Well, would you look at that – for the first time in I-don’t-know-HOW-long I’ve managed to stay on track with the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge EVERY SINGLE DAY this month. Go, me! And on top of that, my photo for “Fave part of my day” on the 8th was [continue reading…]

Welcome back for another Tangled T-Day! While my schedule has been rather crazy lately I have done quite a bit of tangling in between other commitments, and I’m glad to be able to share the details with you in today’s post. Hope you enjoy! [continue reading…]

This week I’ve been hugely busy tangling my little heart out in preparation for offering a new line of custom art pieces for sale, and as a result today’s Tangled T-Day post is another colour-filled array of tangled goodness. Hope you enjoy! [continue reading…]

Well, since I wasn’t able to keep up with either #MicroblogMondays posts OR the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge in February, mostly due to busy-ness in other areas of life (*cough* tangling *cough*), I thought it would be appropriate to combine [continue reading…]

Today is one of the reasons why I decided to make a tiny adjustment in my blogging habits and move from Tangled Tuesday to Tangled T-Day posts – so that I could share my tangling for challenges that were issued after my Tuesday blog post essay [continue reading…]

This has been a very busy week for me, full of tangling, teaching, training, and learning a new and ever-so-beautiful watercolour technique – so I have lots to report in a most colourful Tangled T-Day update. Hope you enjoy!
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Happy Valentine’s Day, and Happy Tangled T-Day! Today’s post is going to be fairly short, but hopefully sweet, with details on the launch of my gallery wall plus a selection of tangling-related goodies [continue reading…]

Well, in spite of my very best intentions, I’ve gone and done it again – that is, I’ve fallen behind in sharing any tangling updates for the past few weeks. But I’m here now (better late than never?!), with a nice full Tangled T-Day post which includes some [continue reading…]