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Photo A Day Challenge – March 1-17, 2017

Well, would you look at that – for the first time in I-don’t-know-HOW-long I’ve managed to stay on track with the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge EVERY SINGLE DAY this month. Go, me! And on top of that, my photo for “Fave part of my day” on the 8th was featured as one of the Fabs in the FMS Photo A Day group on Facebook, which felt a bit like a reward for my newfound diligence. So thrilling!

Here’s hoping I can carry on and make it through the rest of the month with my daily photo habit – but in the meantime, I thought you might like to see the results of the first half of March.

I’ve been sharing my photos on Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, and the FMS Photo A Day group on Facebook, but thought I’d also periodically do a round-up of my photos here on Alphabet Salad for the benefit of my readers who aren’t active on any of these platforms.

Hope you enjoy!

(Clicking on any of the photos below will take you to my Flickr account… and, depending on your browser, hovering over them will give you – in some cases – an explanation as to how I interpreted the prompt.)

March 1 - Something blue

March 1 – Something blue

March 2 - My breakfast

March 2 – My breakfast

March 3 - Upside down

March 3 – Upside down

March 4 - Contrast

March 4 – Contrast

March 5 - A picture of me

March 5 – A picture of me

March 6 - In the air

March 6 – In the air

March 7 - On

March 7 – On

March 8 - Fave part of my day

March 8 – Fave part of my day

March 9 - Miniature

March 9 – Miniature

March 10 - Draw

March 10 – Draw

March 11 - Two tone

March 11 – Two tone

March 12 - Glass

March 12 – Glass

March 13 - Horizon

March 13 – Horizon

March 14 - In motion

March 14 – In motion

March 15 - Over

March 15 – Over

March 16 - Key

March 16 – Key

March 17 - Off centre

March 17 – Off centre

To be continued…

Got any favourites?
Please share!

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.