Midway through the year I took some time to reflect on the first half of 2012 and highlight some of the important and memorable things that had happened in my life. Even though that post is now only six months old, some of those events seem like they took place in a whole different lifetime!
Time sure flies when you’re having fun!
Now, as 2012 comes to a close, I thought I’d do a kind of “Part 2” to that post, covering the last half of the year.
Since then…
- I opened a new business bank account in the hopes of making something out of my blogging. It hasn’t happened yet, but you never know!
- I enjoyed a few more fun events on offer in my new city: Bluesfest International, the Walkerville Holiday Walkabout, and the Willistead Manor Holiday Tour.
- I continued to enjoy getting to know new friends through two different book clubs, our all-girls “try a different restaurant once a month” group, and gatherings at the homes of various friends.
- I had my first ever pedicure and also gave in to the temptation of acrylic nails.
- I joined some of my friends as part of a regular walking group.
- I traveled to New York City for a memorable weekend at BlogHer ’12 (some reviews of my experience are here, here, and here).
- I discovered Downton Abbey and started watching from the beginning of the series with friends.
- I bought new furniture for our house, then went and bought some more.
- I crossed the border and visited Detroit for the first time on a shopping trip with some of the girls.
- I supported my husband through surgery, an extended hospital stay, and a very long (and still continuing) convalescence prior to a second surgery.
- I completed Italian I – and got an A!
- I saw movies, went to restaurants, and rediscovered live theatre (six plays this fall!) with friends.
- I was introduced by a friend to some of the shops on Erie Street (Via Italia – Windsor’s Little Italy) and followed up with a visit for traditional Christmas goodies.
- I bought my first-ever smartphone – an iPhone 5 – and promptly fell in love.
- I said a very sad goodbye to our beautiful 20-year-old cat, Spider.
- I successfully completed three full months (October through December) of the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenges.
- I successfully completed (as of this post) twelve full months – that’s one whole year! – of daily blogging with NaBloPoMo.
Wow, what a year it’s been!
And now, from my heart and home to yours, I thank you for the friendship, support, encouragement, comments, feedback, and insight you have offered me throughout the year… it means so very much to me, and I wish you all the best as we move forward together into 2013.
Happy New Year!