I have a confession to make. While I am attached to my iPhone and have come to truly adore snapping and editing pictures with it, the idea of using a “real” camera – you know, the kind with all those bells and whistles and lenses and complicated settings and such – intimidates the heck out of me. I love what they produce, but have never really embraced the notion of working with one myself.
Even my simple point-and-shoot camera (which is about as basic as they come!) freaks me out a little – which is actually rather odd, as normally I’m all about electronic gadgets. But there’s something about the learning curve of a real camera – not only in terms of using it, but also understanding photography techniques and principles – that has always put me off the whole darn thing.
But the other day I came across a link to this blog post and, for whatever reason, clicked over and read it – and was immediately intrigued by the possibilities of this particular camera. (I think she had me at “perfect for bloggers”!) The tipping point came when I read about the ability to connect the camera with your phone and, therefore, social media like Instagram (a favourite of mine). Yes, please – sign me up!
So, in a surprising twist, my longtime hesitation to even consider a real camera might, just possibly, be on its way out the door. After a couple of years of enthusiastic photo-taking and editing with my iPhone, adding a “real” camera to my wish list – and learning how to use it to my bucket list – sort of seems like the next logical step, you know?
I guess we shall see!
In the meantime, though, here are a few more photos (iPhone only, of course!) taken in response to the latest “Photo” theme prompts for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month).
Hope you enjoy!
May 1 photo in this post
May 2-4 photos in this post
May 5-8 photos in this post
May 9 photo in this post
May 10-11 photos in this post
May 12-18 photos in this post
May 19 – Vintage
May 20 – Drama
May 21 – Color
Do you use a “real” camera or prefer your phone?
Please share!