Today’s happiness is brought to you by the results of this morning’s weekly weigh-in, which gave me the opportunity to move another handful of pebbles from my Going… Going jar to the (MUCH more satisfying) Gone! one.
For anyone keeping track, that brings me a total to 40.5 pounds lost since my highest recorded weight.
Yes, that definitely spells happiness!
Over the past little while I’ve been thinking about how well I did when I set a personal goal last summer to reach a certain weight by the time my visit to Victoria rolled around in October. Knowing that I would absolutely LOVE to arrive at BlogHer ’15 weighing considerably less than I do now, I decided to set myself a new goal! I did some calculations, and realized that if I carry on doing what I’ve been doing (i.e., eating and exercising with the target of reducing my weight at a healthy rate of 1.5 pounds per week), it would be entirely possible for me to lose another 50 pounds between now and my last official weigh-in before BlogHer ’15 in July.
So that’s what I’m going to do! I’ve set up a progress ticker JUST for this particular 50 pound goal, and if you’re interested in seeing how I’m progressing just check out my new Alphabet Salad post each Monday.
50 pounds before BlogHer ’15!
I’m already motivated by the thought of looking and feeling better when I see my bloggy friends and contacts next summer, but the knowledge that I’ll be updating and sharing my ticker here every week adds another level of accountability and incentive.
Here’s to success in reaching our goals, whatever they may be!
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