Remember those tiny origami stars that made me so happy yesterday? Well, today’s happiness is brought to you by watching the antics that ensued when I decided to give one of them to Felix.
You might not think that a tiny bit of paper could be SO MUCH FUN for a cat, but you would be oh, so wrong! Even as I write this post I can still hear him scampering around downstairs, batting the star from side to side and having a grand old time.
It will certainly be interesting to see how long it lasts… both the crazy play session and the star itself. I might have to sacrifice another just to keep him happy… and to let Oscar get in on the fun as well!
→ The 100 Happy Days web site
→ My 100 Happy Days posts
Now, on to my photos from the first half of the Fat Mum Slim November Photo A Day Challenge. Oh, but first – I was thrilled when my photo for November 4 (Can’t live without) was highlighted in the “Extraordinary Eight” on the FMS Photo A Day Facebook Group. I was struggling a bit as I tried to think of a fresh way to communicate the idea, so I’m pleased that what I ended up with not only made me happy, but also clicked for someone else!
I’ve been sharing my photos on Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, and the FMS Photo A Day group on Facebook, but thought I’d also periodically do a round-up of my photos here on Alphabet Salad for the benefit of my readers who aren’t active on any of these platforms.
Hope you enjoy!
(Clicking on any of the photos below will take you to my Flickr account… and, depending on your browser, hovering over them will give you – in some cases – an explanation as to how I interpreted the prompt.)
To be continued – but in the meantime…
What made you happy today?
Please share!