Today’s mail brought two weekend passports to our city’s upcoming blues music festival. Each passport has a value of $65 and a price of $40 for three days of great blues music… but they were free to me! The reason? I retweeted a message on Twitter late last week and was chosen as a winner.
Remember the 30 Days of Creativity challenge in which I participated last month? Well, shortly after the challenge ended I was notified by the good people at 30 Days of Creativity that I had been selected as a winner of their Moleskine giveaway! I haven’t received it yet, but apparently one of Moleskine’s new “Messages” postal notebooks is being sent to me and should arrive in my mailbox at some point in the near future.
A few weeks ago I won two tickets to the VIP area of a live cooking demonstration by David Rocco, which I enjoyed with a friend, and was inspired to finally get my new Italian blog up and running.
This morning’s weigh-in showed that another 2.9 lbs are now gone, bringing my weight loss total to 42.7 lbs. Slowly, but surely, this excess baggage is melting away. To celebrate I went clothes shopping and discovered that I’ve gone down a size since the last time!
Later in the day I decided to look for a new bag to take with me to BlogHer ’12 next month. I’ve looked before, but never found anything quite right… but today I happened upon exactly what I’d been looking for and, best of all, it was on a sale table and had been marked down by 50%. Then, when I went to pay for my find, the reduced amount on the tag was discounted by another 50%, so I got a perfect name-brand bag for a song!
Next week will be full – Bluesfest all weekend, book club on Monday, girls’ restaurant outing on Wednesday, and a live theatre production with friends on Friday. Suddenly I have a large social circle full of really great people, and more on the go now than perhaps at any other time in my life.
I’m starting to wonder what’s going to happen next!
Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket…