Once again I’ve been enjoying writing a “small stone” every day this week, and thought I’d share another handful with you today. (Not sure what this is all about? You can read more on the Writing Our Way Home January “Small Stones” tradition here, and also check out my original post on the topic.)
Days 1 to 4 – here
Days 5 to 10 – here
icicles, grip loosened, liquescent
dripping, dropping
Sunday afternoon
soft somnolent hush
dream-beckoning couch, warm blanket, curled-up cats
featureless, nothing-coloured sky
dirty mounds of melting snow exposes limp, winter-dead grass
even the birds look depressed
crunchy peanut butter
stash of baking sundries in snap-top glass jars
flour-smudged nose, warm oven, parchment-lined baking sheets
and the sweet promise of cookies
Who would think that a small cardboard box
left between screen and door after hurried rap of notification
could contain so much joy?
try to squeeze and twist and wring that stone
the only blood that drips will be your own
fresh snowfall, or
sun-sparkling fairy glitter?
Do you participate in the Mindful Writing Challenge?
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