If you’re anything at all like me, you probably have certain signs and traditions that signify to you that the holidays are approaching. I shared one of my own not too long ago, and now today’s happiness is brought to you by another – my first annual Starbucks Cranberry Bliss® Bar.
Visits to Starbucks used to be daily occurrences – at least on weekdays – as I picked up coffee and breakfast every day on my way in to the office, and often stopped by later in the day for another drink. Then I moved to Windsor and started working from home, and those visits dropped dramatically – first of all because I wasn’t going out to work, and secondly because this city is definitely not Victoria when it comes to coffee options! In Victoria you can find a Starbucks on every corner (ok, a bit of an exaggeration – but truthfully, I used to stop by one on my way to work and then, if the line was too long, head over to the one on the next block rather than wait!), but here in Windsor you’re more likely to see another Tim Hortons instead.
So now that I actually have to go quite a bit out of my way to get to a Starbucks, visiting has become a rare treat. Today, since there happened to be one en route to my morning appointment, I just had to stop by and pick up a coffee (a reward for getting up and out so early!)… and when I saw the Cranberry Bliss® Bar on the menu… well, my day was made. After all, “bliss” is right in the title – how can that NOT be happy-making?!
What treats signify to you that the holidays are coming?
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