It’s the last day of January today, which means that when I click “Publish” on this post I’ll have tied the ribbon on a full month’s package of daily blog posts.
Happy NaBloPoMo to me!
As I look back over my participation in January’s NaBloPoMo and consider whether or not to sign up for another month, I’ve decided that if I want to continue on the path to becoming a better writer in 2012 I can’t afford not to carry on with NaBloPoMo in February! It’s just such a fantastic way to give yourself that extra little push to write every day, even when you don’t particularly feel like it, and in my mind the benefits far outweigh the minor inconveniences.
I know there may be the odd occasion again this month – you know, those “I don’t wanna” days – where I end up posting lousy entries simply to satisfy my NaBloPoMo commitment, but I’m going to make an effort to minimize those “throwaway” type of posts. One of the strategies I’m going to try was sparked by a comment made by Sabrina on one of my earlier entries; that is, to write additional posts when the inspiration is flowing and use them on the don’t wanna days.
So, anyone care to join me? Link me to your blog and I’ll be glad to follow along!