After devoting part of my evening to messing about on my blog, I have another couple of quick housekeeping notes for my readers (and also a small request, if you’ll please bear with me!).
Housekeeping Notes
I mentioned in my previous post that I was wishing for a plugin that would import comments from my Facebook page into my blog… and wouldn’t you know it, I’ve found one! Though I haven’t had any new comments on my page to use as a test, the plugin seems to have successfully imported some of the earlier ones, so I have great hopes that it will continue working as expected. If you have a Facebook page and are interested in finding out more about this plugin and possibly using it on your own WordPress blog, here’s a link for you:
WordPress Plugin: Facebook Comments Importer
In other news, I’ve also upgraded to CommentLuv Premium, which is on an amazing sale and comes with all sorts of goodies that I’m still learning about and playing around with. Hopefully as I figure them all out you’ll discover a few benefits available to you as a wee “thank you” for your comments on my blog posts!
A Small Request
When you comment in my blog – at any time, really, but particularly within the next couple of weeks – would you please let me know if you run into any technical glitches or annoyances? As I said, I am still toying with the settings of these new plugins and would really appreciate any feedback (good or bad!) that you can offer.
Thank you very much!