First off, a bit of bloggy housekeeping! If you’ve commented in my blog over the past few days, you may have noticed that I’ve switched my commenting system over to Livefyre. Rest assured that you’ll always be able to comment as a guest even if you don’t have a Livefyre account (hey, comments are gold – I wouldn’t want to make it impossible for you to speak your mind!)… but it might actually be worth your while to check it out and sign up for one. One benefit, for example, is that even though Livefyre has kicked out CommentLuv (boo!), having a Livefyre account will enable you to show a link to your own most recent blog post below your comment in any blog that uses the Livefyre commenting system (yay!). So give it some thought. I know it’s a bit of a pain to have miscellaneous accounts here, there, and everywhere, but I’ve actually seen Livefyre in use in several of the blogs I read regularly, and I imagine it will be similar in your blogging world, which helps to mitigate the nuisance of having to sign up for yet another account!
P.S. – Livefyre is free!
Secondly, an update and advance notice for my faithful readers about my blog giveaway. I haven’t forgotten about it! I actually had several wonderful and generous authors offer copies of their books, and after much thought have decided to give each of them the attention they deserve by doing separate giveaways, spread out over several months, one for each author. The first one is coming up very soon – I’m in the process of reading my copy of the book and setting up the guidelines for the giveaway – so watch this space for more info!
Thirdly, some random commentary for you on this lovely June Monday:
- From Thursday evening with the girls (apparently I now have a group of girls!) at the most wonderfully garlicky Italian restaurant, to an unexpected day off on Friday, to music from various bands (including a favourite from the 80s) drifting over to my house from the outdoor concerts on the riverfront, to Art in the Park, to the LaSalle Strawberry Festival, to having enormous amounts of fun making Mini Babybel Wax Sculptures, this has been the best weekend I’ve had in a long, long time.
- I am paying the small price for such fun – a bit of a sunburn and unwelcome numbers at this morning’s encounter with the bathroom scales. Oops!
- Pssst… totally worth it.
- Is it possible that one can be too happy? Enquiring minds want to know…
Now, on to today’s 30 Days of Creativity project.
June 4, 2012 prompt:
TROUSERS – For those of you under forty… These are pants.
(If you want to see this in all its imperfect waxy goodness, clicking on the photo will take you to the larger version on Flickr.)
In case you missed it, this is what I’m doing throughout the month of June, and why. I’ll be posting all of my projects to my 30 Days of Creativity 2012 board on Pinterest.
Have a wonderful week!