I understand, based on both prior knowledge as well as comments on various of my blog posts, that some of my readers are published authors. If you happen to fall into that category – well, this post is for you!
Rather than put any one individual on the spot by approaching them personally, and because there are actually several of you out there, I thought I’d post a public request to which anyone can choose (or not) to respond if they’re interested in my proposition.
Here’s my idea.
I would like to try doing a giveaway on my blog, and I’d really like if this particular giveaway could be of a book written by someone with whom I have some sort of connection through my blog.
Here’s what I’m hoping to arrange with any author(s) who would like to participate:
- I would like you to donate a signed copy of a book (or books) you have authored. (Any format is fine – paper, hardcover, etc. – but I’d like it to be a physical book rather than e-book for this particular giveaway.)
- Assuming I do not already have my own copy, I will purchase a copy of any book(s) you donate for my own reading pleasure.
- Since this blog is “nicheless” and seems to attract a variety of readers, any genre of book is fine by me.
- As well as on this blog, I will announce the giveaway, including the relevant details about your book(s) and a link to a promotional or purchasing site of your choosing, on various social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- You will be encouraged to announce the giveaway in your own social circles and on any sites you feel a) would be suitable for your genre and b) have a readership who might be interested in my blog.
- Anyone will be eligible to enter the giveaway, and a winner will be chosen at random.
So, what think you? Anyone interested in throwing an autographed copy of your book into the ring and getting a little more publicity for your work? If so, please send me an e-mail and we will sort out the details.
Thank you for your consideration! 🙂