One of the unintended consequences of my Tangling from A to Z project is that, in the process of daily working the visual part of my brain for an entire month, I seem to have put the writing part to sleep.
I have run out of things to say.

Well, for the moment, at least! I’m sure the words will all come flooding back to me, soon. After all, the days are ever longer, the trees are ever greener, and blossoms in all colours of the rainbow are making their grand entrance into our world. Gatherings are planned, visitors are expected, and an event-filled summer full of delights beckons from the not-so-distant future. And, as I continue to develop my visual side, thoughts and ideas will emerge from the quiet and beg to be shared and explored.
I know that my heart will respond to the beauty and joy of the changing seasons, and the words will come.
I know that there will be plenty of good things to show and tell, and the words will come.
I know that creativity breeds creativity, and the words will come.
The words will come.