Remember last fall when I did the 100 Happy Days Challenge, snapping and sharing daily photos of things that made me happy? When I was first introduced to the challenge I read a bit about the 100 Happy Days Foundation, and decided that once I’d finished my own 100 photos I would do my bit to support them. So I did… and now – just in time for Wildcard Wednesday – look what I found in my post office box!
It’s such a lovely little book full of memories, and just flipping through its colourful pages makes me happy all over again. I’m so glad I both completed the challenge AND gave myself a tangible, non-blog-related treat (that, as a bonus, helped someone else!) to remember the experience.
And now it’s YOUR turn for some Wildcard Wednesday happiness!
Wanna play?

(If you missed the inaugural Wildcard Wednesday post, check it out to see what all the fun is about!)
All you have to do is comment below with two numbers – the first between 1 and 612 (i.e., the number of pages in the book) and the second between 1 and 30 (i.e., the approximate number of happy items listed on each page) – and I’ll consult 14,000 things to be happy about and give YOU something to be happy about! (If there aren’t enough items on the page you choose, never fear – I’ll just keep counting over to the next page so you won’t miss out on any happy goodness.)
Before you jump in and comment, however, know that there are no guarantees as to what you’ll end up with (as you might have guessed from the “Wildcard Wednesday” moniker!) – your chosen happy item might turn out to be whimsical or evocative, silly or inspirational, perfectly timed or completely inappropriate… it might spark a memory, a question, a conversation… or hey, it might even give you an idea for a story or blog post! But no matter what, I think it’ll be fun… and I’d love it if you’d join in!
So, are you ready to play?
Give me some numbers and I’ll give you some happy!