Life lessons can come at you in all sorts of different ways. This morning, for some reason, a series of TV commercials for a financial organization surfaced in my thoughts, hitting me with a meaning deeper than the originally intended, “You should bank with us.”
Surprisingly enough I was able to find these commercials online, so I’m sharing them here – not out of a desire to promote the organization behind the ads, but rather to give you a better understanding of the inspiration behind my ramblings.
Without oversimplifying things, isn’t life sometimes just THAT straightforward?
If you want to do X, then do X.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can say that I personally spend far too much time making throwaway statements about things I claim I want to do, without having considered whether or not it’s really important to me to actually do these things.
I also let fear talk me into building something I really do want to do into something far more complicated that it actually should be, instead of just getting on with making it happen.
If you want to do X, then do X.
Sometimes it really is that simple.
What do you want to do?
What’s stopping you from doing it?