I learned from my very aware friends at Write Tribe that today is World Suicide Prevention Day. With the tragic death of Robin Williams still achingly fresh in our minds, the observation of such a day seems rather timely, doesn’t it?
As I pondered what I could contribute here in my own blog as a voice for suicide prevention, I realized that I have no words of wisdom to share – at least, none of my own. But I remembered a piece that was presented this year at BlogHer ’14 during the Voices of the Year Community Keynote – a piece that spoke volumes – and knew that I wanted my readers who may not have had the privilege of being there to hear it as well.
So I invite you to read “The Bridge That Is Any Bridge” by Jenna of Stop, Drop & Blog and, if you’d like to experience it the way we did at BlogHer ’14, watch the video of her reading.