The blogging community can be a truly wonderful place, and I feel very fortunate to have become a member of several groups created for the purpose of sharing, making connections, and both giving and receiving support.
I have discovered, much to my delight, that one of the ways we as bloggers offer support to each other is through awards. Recently I was honoured by being presented with another award to both enjoy and pay forward, and I thought today would be a good day to share my list of awarded bloggers with you, in case you need some weekend reading material!

First of all, thank you so very much to my fellow bloggers Susan at Today’s Working Woman and Elaine at Tea Leaves, who each listed me as a recipient of the Versatile Blogger Award (here and here). I greatly appreciate their thoughtfulness in including me in their lists!
I understand that my responsibilities, now, are to:
- Share 7 completely random pieces of information about myself.
- Nominate 15 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award.
- Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
Not too long ago I posted seven random pieces of information about myself (which you can read here if you so desire), but I’m sure I can come up with seven more.
Let’s give this a shot.
- I am addicted to lip balm. I have one at my desk, one beside my bed, one in the living room, one in my purse, one in the bathroom drawer, and several more waiting in the wings as backup. My favourite lip balm… and in fact the best lip balm in the world, ever, hands down, guaranteed… is Moody Bee Vanilla & Peppermint Beeswax Lip Balm. I used to be able to buy them at a store in Victoria, but now that we moved I have to get them through the mail, and recently received an order of 30 of these little gems! Yes, they’re that good.
- I am shy about making the first move to talk to new people, but once I know you I may never shut up.
- I am deeply envious of anyone who is fluent in more than one language. I am wildly impressed with countries where speaking several languages is not unusual, and rather ashamed of being part of the masses of mostly monolingual North Americans.
- Add me to this list – except that mine have been bonded, so you can’t really tell.
- I know far more about US politics than I do about my own country’s. Sad but true.
- I am seriously creeped out by finger and toenail clippings, peeled sunburnt skin, hair clippings… basically anything that was once attached to a living being but is now unattached and dead. *shudder*
- I hate cilantro.
Now, for my “pay it forward” award recipients! Some of these are blogs I’ve followed for awhile, some I’ve nominated for previous awards but, like my favourite lip balm, they’re just that good, and some are new to me, discovered through The Week-Long 100 Comments On My Blog Event hosted by Blogelina. Now that I’ve finally finished contributing my 100 comments (136, actually!), I can take more time to enjoy all of these blogs… and I invite you to check them out as well!
- kojodesigns
- Sylver Blaque
- Useful, Pleasant Lives
- A Writer’s Query
- Suzy’s Artsy Craftsy Sitcom
- Much Needed Advice for Women
- Our Eventual Homestead
- Everyday Gyaan
- notes from maggie’s farm
- Mental Hurricane
- loulouloves
- corner blog
- The Shiny Butter Blog
- Writers Writing Words
- Shouldn’t Life Be More Than This?
Hope you enjoy discovering… or re-discovering… these “versatile bloggers”!