A year or so ago, if you’d have suggested that I join Twitter I would have laughed in your face. “Why on earth would I want to waste time reading a bunch of strangers talking about what they ate for lunch or how hungover they were after last night’s party? And honestly, who in their right mind would care to read a transcript of what’s going on in my life? Twitter? No thanks.”
So given my original preconceptions, I’m still not entirely certain what prompted me to sign up and start tweeting back in March of this year, but I did… and quickly discovered that Twitter wasn’t at all what I’d assumed it would be.
I started by following several people I already knew from LiveJournal and BookCrossing, as well as a handful of celebrities, journalists and news sites. Right from the start I discovered that Twitter was a great way to keep up with my long-distance friends on an entirely different level than via their LiveJournal posts. With Twitter we were able to share the little details of our lives in real time… things that we may not have bothered turning into proper journal entries… allowing us to get to know each other better and making it seem as though the miles between us had shrunk.
As time passed my “following” list grew beyond people I already knew to strangers with similar interests (mostly politics!), and the more people I met and started getting to know, the more I wanted to discover! Then at some point over the past few months I stumbled across Mr. Tweet, which guided me towards even more interesting people, and now it’s pretty clear that I am well and truly ensconced in the Twitterverse.
In the months that have passed since I joined Twitter I have met some incredible people that most likely would never have been a part of my life otherwise. These people are warm and caring, passionate activists, witty and wicked smart… and I am proud and grateful that they are willing to share their wisdom, insight, and fun with me and the rest of the world.
I’m happy to admit that I was wrong… Twitter is so much more than I ever thought it would be!
No regrets.
NaBloPoMo entry/discussions