Since I returned from vacation at the beginning of this week I’ve been trying to catch up on all the things I need (and want) to do (including sleep!), but I haven’t yet been able to manage this with any great success. It seems as though I’ve been going almost non-stop ever since I got back from New York, and have ended up squeezing in only the absolute essentials on my To Do list. I’m not sure I remember ever being this busy before… I’m must say, though, that I’m enjoying it!
Needless to say, my blogging is suffering somewhat (along with everything else). A couple of people had asked me to do a recap of BlogHer ’12 to give them a better idea of what happens at such an event, and I promise I haven’t forgotten! Things should slow down a bit over the weekend, so I have set aside some time to do one or two epic post-BlogHer ’12 entries that will fill you in on all the exciting details.
Watch this space!
Meanwhile, tonight I’m off for an evening with friends to watch a few episodes of my newest discovery – Downton Abbey. I’ve only watched the first three episodes of the first season so far, and already I’m hooked! I’m glad I was introduced to this incredibly well-done series, glad I still have a bunch of episodes left to enjoy, and also relieved to hear that it will apparently be back for a third season in January!
Hope you’re having a great day!