We all have them (even if the list may be shorter for some than it is for others!): a handful of seemingly common or rite-of-passage life experiences which, whether by choice or by chance, we’ve never actually had. So just for fun – even though I know it might inspire you to exclaim incredulously, “What?! You’ve never _______? You can’t be serious!” – I thought I’d reveal a few of the items on my own “things I’ve never done” list.
10 Things I’ve Never Done
- watched Forrest Gump from beginning to end
- smoked anything – cigarette, cigar, pipe, salmon 😉
- visited a country other than Canada or the US
- watched an episode of Glee
- taken any non-pharmaceutical (i.e., illegal) drugs
- read any of the Harry Potter books or seen the Harry Potter movies
- got a tattoo
- been pregnant/given birth
- had my wisdom teeth removed (because I don’t have any!)
- learned how to play chess
Now it’s your turn!
What are some things you’ve never done?
Please share!