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Today’s Gratitude List – Linkup No. 40

I feel as though I should probably warn you in advance – just in case you happened to think it would be otherwise – my gratitude list today is going to be rather BlogHer ’14-centric! Because the whole trip was an amazing experience from start to finish, and left me feeling grateful in all sorts of ways – and this seems like the perfect place to share it. So please bear with me! 🙂

Good morning! #blogher14 #imenough

Hope you’ll join me in this week’s Gratitude Linkup!

(If you’d like a bit of background on why I started the Gratitude Linkup, check out this post.)

How to get involved in the Gratitude Linkup

  1. Write and post an entry in your own blog containing your gratitude list for a moment in time.
  2. Share the URL to your gratitude blog post by clicking the “add your link” button at the end of this post and filling out the information.
  3. Share the Gratitude Linkup with your blog readers by clicking the “get the InLinkz code” link at the end of this post and copy/pasting the appropriate code into your gratitude blog post.
  4. Visit some of the blogs listed in the Gratitude Linkup and comment on their posts.

My Gratitude List

In no particular order, here is my own gratitude list for this moment in time. I hope that after reading it you’ll go on to write and share your own!

  • Safe travels to and from San Jose for BlogHer ’14 – uneventful flights, no missed connections, luggage delivered on time and (almost) intact. (Well, the pull-out handle on my suitcase somehow managed to get broken while in transit, but apart from a bit of inconvenience it was really no big deal. It’s not an expensive piece of luggage, so I’m not too torn up about it!)
  • Being able to share a hotel room and hang out with my dear friend Sabrina for the third year in a row. We even ended up on the same flight back for the first leg of our journey, with a long layover in Phoenix, so were able to spend even more time together. Truly a blessing!
  • Taking baby steps in the process of learning to be ok with seeing photos of myself, both selfies and those taken by others.
  • Friends: people I’ve met in person at earlier conferences and caught up with again this year… people I’d only previously known online and managed to meet face-to-face for the first time… people I’d never met (or, in some cases, never even heard of!) but ended up being introduced and forming a connection.
  • Being gently confronted in various ways throughout the conference with the “I’m enough” message.
  • Successful meetings and networking with various company reps that could lead to future blogging opportunities.
  • My blogging friends who generously shared their words with Alphabet Salad readers as guest posts while I was away.
  • Sleep: A good night’s sleep, sleeping in on the weekends, afternoon naps, cats who sleep on my desk when I’m working.
  • Having a blog post I wrote about Kiva featured in Diibl, a new digital only business and lifestyle magazine. Exciting for me, but also wonderful to think that new people might be introduced to and participate in Kiva.
  • (Finally) having the roadwork on our street (mostly) finished… what a nice surprise to return home to! It’s so nice to look out the front window and see a paved surface instead of dirt and gravel… and to actually be able to drive on our own street.
  • NOT getting a cold (even though it felt like one was coming on).
  • Being inspired.

get the InLinkz code

NaBloPoMo August 2014

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.