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Today’s Gratitude List – Linkup No. 50 + 100 Happy Days – Day 30

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians, and Happy Sunday to the rest of you! Today seems to me like an especially appropriate opportunity to stop, consider our blessings, and express our gratitude for all that we have.

And, in the seasonal spirit of the holiday, today’s happiness is brought to you by the cutest (if I do say so myself!) little needle-felted pumpkin made yesterday by yours truly (with instructions from my sister). I saw it sitting on the counter when I came upstairs this morning, and it immediately made me smile – definitely a happy-making little creation!

100 Happy Days - Day 30

100 Happy Days – Day 30

Here’s a photo of my pumpkin alongside the one my sister made.

Needle felted punkins! (Mine is the orange one, @nanaloodee did the white one.)

Aren’t they sweet?! One of the local yarn shops here in Victoria has scheduled her to teach a class on how to make these pumpkins… I’d say her students are in for a treat!

The 100 Happy Days web site
My 100 Happy Days posts

Hope you’ll join me in this week’s Gratitude Linkup!

(If you’d like a bit of background on why I started the Gratitude Linkup, check out this post.)

How to get involved in the Gratitude Linkup

  1. Write and post an entry in your own blog containing your gratitude list for a moment in time.
  2. Share the URL to your gratitude blog post by clicking the “add your link” button at the end of this post and filling out the information.
  3. Share the Gratitude Linkup with your blog readers by clicking the “get the InLinkz code” link at the end of this post and copy/pasting the appropriate code into your gratitude blog post.
  4. Visit some of the blogs listed in the Gratitude Linkup and comment on their posts.

My Gratitude List

In no particular order, here is my own gratitude list for this moment in time. I hope that after reading it you’ll go on to write and share your own!

  • Safe travel and uneventful flights for me from Windsor to Victoria.
  • Beautiful weather and that wonderful fresh ocean air fragrance welcoming me back to the city.
  • The opportunity to spend time visiting with my family and sharing birthday, anniversary, and Thanksgiving celebrations with them.
  • Good friends who made time in their schedules to meet up with me while I’m in town.
  • My fun and cheerful co-workers, who welcomed me back to the office as if I’d never left, and kept me entertained with chats and meals and drinks and snacks (even though they were dealing with their own pressing deadlines while I was there).
  • Laughter, hugs, and good conversations – of which there have been many over the past few days!
  • A week made up of a perfect combination of socializing, work, downtime, fun activities, relaxation, and even the chance to be creative.
  • Mom’s divine and delicious cooking.
  • Paid holiday time.
  • Still having several vacation days to look forward to before returning home.

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NaBloPoMo October 2014

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.