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Today’s Gratitude List – Linkup No. 22

The first item on today’s gratitude list is a rather silly one, I’ll admit – but I’m going to share it anyway. I’m grateful that I was able to leave the house yesterday in my Converse – instead of boots – for the first time in, quite literally, MONTHS! (I’m not sure I can clearly convey just how sick and tired I am of my boots, and of the necessity of wearing them every single time I want to go out… but perhaps those of you living in similar climates will get what I’m saying.)

Of course I realize there are no guarantees, especially in this part of the country, and that there could very well be more snow on the ground before proper Spring weather arrives for good… but I’ll take these happy shoes-not-boots moments whenever I’m able to get them!

Hope you’ll join me in this week’s Gratitude Linkup!


(If you’d like a bit of background on why I started the Gratitude Linkup, check out this post.)

How to get involved in the Gratitude Linkup

  1. Write and post an entry in your own blog containing your gratitude list for a moment in time.
  2. Share the URL to your gratitude blog post by clicking the “add your link” button at the end of this post and filling out the information.
  3. Share the Gratitude Linkup with your blog readers by clicking the “get the InLinkz code” link at the end of this post and copy/pasting the appropriate code into your gratitude blog post.
  4. Visit some of the blogs listed in the Gratitude Linkup and comment on their posts.

My Gratitude List

In no particular order, here is my own gratitude list for this moment in time. I hope that after reading it you’ll go on to write and share your own!

  • Having at least one cat (in this case, Grisabella) who is a quiet dream when a visit to the vet for a checkup necessitates a ride in the car. (She could certainly give Felix a few lessons in tranquility!)
  • Knowing that our cats will always be in excellent hands with their wonderful, caring vet in a clean, well-equipped, professional office.
  • Sunshine and cloudless blue skies.
  • Discovering a comfortable neighbourhood pub within walking distance of our house. (Yummiest fish and chips I’ve had in awhile!)
  • Generous, helpful, accommodating friends.
  • Helping our team WIN at trivia this week!
  • Getting the giggles.
  • The long-awaited arrival of Spring, and with it some genuinely Spring-like weather.
  • Free tickets from a great friend to join her in seeing a hilarious comedian, and the laughter and hilarity that ensued.
  • The technology that allows us to catch up with our favourite TV shows and movies on our own schedule.
  • A trio of cats that give us a really good laugh nearly every day.
  • The power of words, particularly when they are used for good.
  • Coming up with a theme for my April blog posts, and feeling incredibly excited and eager about getting started with the challenge.
  • Those moments when I’m able to laugh at myself when I make a mistake, instead of beating myself up about it or being consumed with embarrassment.

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NaBloPoMo March 2014

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.