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Today’s Gratitude List + December 2015 Gratitude Linkup

In these times when tragedy, disaster, and darkness seem to confront us on an almost daily basis, I invite you to stop for a few moments and reflect with quiet gratitude on the beauty, goodness, and blessings in your life and in our world. Because the light is there.

What's on your gratitude list? Please stop by the blog and share. #alphabetsalad #gratitude

In no particular order, here is my own gratitude list for this moment in time. I hope that after reading it you’ll go on to write and share your own!

  • My husband: his kind words, sincere compliments, and the way he looks at me with wonder and says, “You’re so beautiful.”
  • Laughter and silly times with friends.
  • Blogging opportunities.
  • A bump in sales activity in my online shops.
  • Looking forward to a calendar full of fun activities throughout the month of December.
  • Finding a friend who is interested in working with me on an exciting creative project for 2016 (stand by for details!).
  • Being Canadian – living in a beautiful, safe, peaceful country full of opportunities and benefits.
  • That when it comes to dealing with climate change, “Canada is back” and, “We’re here to help.”
  • Every moment of life and breath.

Now it’s your turn!

How to get involved in the Gratitude Linkup

Note: This linkup will be open for the entire month, so feel free to add as many gratitude posts as you choose to write in December!

  1. Write and post a gratitude list in your own blog.
  2. Click the “add your link” button below and share your gratitude post.
  3. Click “get the InLinkz code” below and add the linkup code to your post.
  4. Visit and comment on some of the posts listed in the Gratitude Linkup.

P.S.Here’s some background on why I started the Gratitude Linkup.

get the InLinkz code

Gratitude Circle

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.