It’s good to stop, sometimes, and take a quick inventory of the things in your life for which you’re grateful at that moment in time. In no particular order, here is my own gratitude list for this moment in time.
- Delivering a successful Italian presentation, earning an A in Italian I, and finding out that Italian II is going ahead despite there being only four students who wish to take the course in January. Yay all around!
- The many, many, many wonderful restaurants in my city.
- Friends who take the time to express thoughtful words.
- Laughing so hard it brings tears to your eyes and an ache to your sides.
- Kindness, unselfishness, generosity.
- Gorgeous heritage buildings, and the people who fight to save and work hard to preserve these irreplaceable pieces of history.
- Old world craftsmanship and attention to detail.
- The accessibility of digital photography.
- Parcels at the post office, and early surprise Christmas treats.
- Feeling like I might actually be a part of something instead of forever skirting the fringes.
- Anticipating my annual Christmas break – more than a week to myself!
What’s on your gratitude list at this moment?