(Note: This post was written by Laurel Regan and originally published in a separate blog called “Why Windsor…”, which was later merged with Alphabet Salad.)
Dashing in to post a quick point-form update, as I really should be packing instead of sitting at the computer!
- We’ve sold our bedroom suite, given away my desk, have someone lined up to take away our sofabed, are planning to post our bookshelves for sale, and need to find a way to get rid of our mattress and box spring. Even after the stuff we’re actually keeping arrives at our new-old place, it looks as though we’ll be rattling around in a relatively empty house until we can afford to replace all the stuff we’re giving away!
- Our current home is a disaster of packed boxes, as-yet-unfilled boxes, packing paper, tape guns, and the like. I must confess that I truly despise this part of the process, am in major avoidance mode, and will be overjoyed when it’s complete. Call me crazy, but the unpacking stage is the fun part for me!
- So, Air Canada has been given a strike notice by CUPE confirming the union’s intention to begin a strike at 00:01 a.m. ET Thursday October 13, 2011. I’ll give you two guesses as to which airline we booked to take the three of us to Windsor at the end of the month (hint: it’s not WestJet). What, me anxious? Naaah…
- Work developments: the situation at my office in Victoria has changed unexpectedly, so now the plan for me when we move to Windsor is that, for the first while at least, I’ll be working the equivalent of four days a week instead of three. Good news for my financial bottom line, but it does mean that I’ll have less free time on my hands. Though it’s not exactly what I’d planned when we started crafting this lifestyle change, overall I think it’s going to work out well and will enable us to recover a little more quickly after what’s turning out to be a fairly expensive move.
- After considering the combination of lease buyout and shipping costs for our vehicle, we decided to turn it in before we leave Victoria and get a different one when we arrive in Windsor. Not that we want to go car shopping on top of all the other things involved in this move, but it just makes more financial sense to do things this way.
Now I must drag myself away from the computer and fill a few more boxes. Sigh… anyone want to help?!