Throughout the years I’ve known of several friends who have worked through The Artist’s Way (by Julia Cameron), a twelve-week program which “teaches techniques and exercises to assist people in gaining self-confidence in harnessing their creative talents and skills” – and without exception, everyone I’ve talked to has given the program rave reviews. As you can imagine, I’ve been dying to work through it myself!
Well, this week I finally got around to ordering my own copy of the book, and I’m planning to start the program in June as a summer project to jump-start my creativity. (If you’re interested in following along with my progress, I’ll be posting about my experience here in Alphabet Salad.)
While I am of course prepared to go through the exercises on my own, I believe that a new dimension of richness is added when the experience is shared with others who have similar goals. In fact, it sounds to me as though Julia Cameron herself agrees with this idea – she talks about Artist’s Way groups or “Creative Clusters” on her own site:
When I first published The Artist’s Way I hoped that Artist’s Way groups – “creative clusters” – would spring into being, where people would serve one another as believing mirrors, uniting with a common aim of creative unblocking.
Having a place where you can share, support, and celebrate each other provides artist-to-artist and heart-to-heart help. Success occurs in clusters and is born in generosity.
With this in mind, I decided to approach my friends via Facebook to see if anyone might be interested in going through the program along with me this summer… and much to my delight, several people signed on!
In order to make it a little easier to work together and to communicate about our experiences, I’ve invited everyone who is planning to go through The Artist’s Way
this summer to gather together in a Facebook Group set up expressly for the purpose of sharing and support…
The Artist’s Way Facebook Group
…and you are invited to join us!
Seriously, if this project is something that interests you as a way to nurture creativity in your own life, you are more than welcome to hop aboard… all you need to do is to pick up your own copy of the book, then visit our Facebook group page and send a request to join.
I hope to see you there!