Happy September and Happy Tangled Tuesday! It’s been quite some time since I shared my latest tangling adventures with my Alphabet Salad readers, so this is going to be a very long, detail- and picture-filled post. Hope you enjoy!
Laurel Regan, CZT
So much has been happening in the teaching end of things! I’ve been spending a whole lot of time developing, advertising, and promoting my classes, and while things are still in the earliest of stages I’m encouraged by the progress and opportunities that have come my way.
I’ve been sharing the details of my classes on various websites, but for the analog among us I also designed a tear-off poster.
I haven’t had a chance to put it up in too many places yet, but I’ve got a bunch of them in the car (along with push pins and tape) and am keeping an eye out for notice boards as I make my way through the city.
One of my friends suggested creating a display board to be placed in the window of the area where my classes are being held, which I thought was a great idea.
Already it’s proven to be useful, as several people have checked it out while strolling by as we were working. Here’s hoping they take it a step further and sign up for a class!
And speaking of classes, I am so very thrilled with my students’ enthusiasm, energy, and output. Here are some of their tiles from my Introduction to Zentangle and Beyond Basics: String Theory classes.

Introduction to Zentangle class tiles

Introduction to Zentangle class tiles

Beyond Basics: String Theory class tiles
Going forward I have several classes scheduled through the rest of September until the end of November, all of which are open for registration. If you’re in the Windsor-Essex (Ontario) region, I’d love to see you there!
Also for Windsor area people, I invite you to join a new Facebook Group called WE Tangle! (the “WE” standing for Windsor-Essex), which was set up for you to connect with others in the region, find out about local tangle-related events, and share your work.
Oh, and a final detail on the business end of things (whew!) – thanks to one of Peter’s ideas, I am now offering gift certificates! Check out this post for more information.

Zentangle Gift Certificates from Laurel Regan, CZT
Tangling Goodies
I’m trying out a couple of new-to-me products – Strathmore Artist Tiles in Toned Tan and Toned Gray. So far I’ve used a grey tile in a finished project (see below!) and enjoyed working with it. I’ll have to try out the tan tiles soon.
New Tangles
Since my previous Tangled Tuesday post I have learned the following new-to-me tangles.
From TanglePatterns.com:
- Double 8’s
- Dugwood
- Foxeye
- Jemz
- Looplopp
- Abeko
- Measles
- Whalestail
- Wisket
- Assunta
- Batch
- Drogon
- Fayda
- Jajazz
- Loopy
- Maisie
- Quiltz
- Tadpoles
- Fracas
- Cirquital
- Swarm
- Bucky
From Zentangle CZT Resources:
- Knase
- Patena
- Tidings
- Warble
- Braze
- Orlique
- Floo
- Scena
- Frondous
- Hazen
- Mysteria
- Evoke
- Façade
- Bumper
- Scarabou
- Centipede
From The Art Zenter (Annette Carlo, CZT):
From The Tangle Corner (Daniel Lamothe, CZT):
Work in Progress
I’ve been so wrapped up in the teaching end of things that I completely slacked off on my colouring book-to-be, so my total of completed pages remains at 18 of 20. So close, but not there yet!
I do have one WIP on the go – a white Opus 10.5″ square tile.
Finished Projects
I may have ignored my colouring book pages, but that certainly doesn’t mean I haven’t been tangling! First up, an Opus 10.5″ square tile in tan with a combination of brown and black ink, pencil shading, and white charcoal and Gelly Roll pen highlighting…
…a random tile…
…Sharpie art!…
that Strathmore Toned Gray tile I mentioned earlier…
…and a random ZIA.
Since my previous Tangled Tuesday post I have completed the following tangle challenge.

Zentangle 175 for Weekly Challenge #285: “Relax, bro.”
In closing (yes, finally!), I do believe I have learned my lesson about skipping weeks of Tangled Tuesdays, because this post took forever to write (and probably pretty darn long for you to read, too). To those of you who made it through to the end, thank you for bearing with me, and I hope you enjoyed what you saw.
Now on to a new week of tangling!
The Zentangle® Method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.
Previous posts in this series are all tagged Tangled Tuesday.
For background on how I discovered and got involved in Zentangle, and links to further information and resources, check out my blog post For the love of tangling.
You can browse my entire tangle gallery at Ten Thousand Tangles, visit the Zentangle site to view my CZT profile, and check out my personal/small business website at Laurel Regan, CZT.
And, if you’re interested in having a little piece of my art for yourself, please visit my Ten Thousand Tangles portfolios and shops on ArtofWhere, DeviantArt, Etsy, Redbubble, Society6, Spoonflower, and Zazzle. (Pssst… links to my international Ten Thousand Tangles shops on Zazzle are on my “shop!” page – just click on the appropriate flag and you’ll get to the place you need to be!)
How have you been creative this week?
Please share!