This week’s Tangled Tuesday post is a tiny bit sparse in terms of actual tangling – but it’s for a very good (and related!) reason, which you will understand when you read my latest, VERY exciting…
After much hard work and several late nights, I finished and launched my long-planned personal/small business website, Laurel Regan, CZT.
It’s still in the early stages of development, with much more to come as time goes by, but I’m very proud to have it up and running and I invite you to stop by and check it out (and, if you so desire, subscribe to my mailing list to receive updates).
Next step, business cards!
New Tangles
Since my previous Tangled Tuesday post I have learned the following new-to-me tangles.
Work in Progress
Remember that in last week’s Tangled Tuesday post I set some goals for publishing my colouring book-to-be? Well – surprise, surprise – my strategy worked! This week I accomplished my “one page a week” goal, which brings my total of completed pages to 12 of 20. I will get there yet!
Finished Projects
While shopping at the craft store I found the cutest little 4″ x 4″ mini canvas boards, along with tiny wooden easels on which to display them, and of course I had to purchase a set of each! I gave my first mini canvas a test run with a selection of official Zentangle patterns, and this was the result.
It was interesting working on a different surface from what I’m used to. Since it was a little rough and textured I used my Sakura Identi-Pen, which worked well. I had to alter my shading technique a little, but in the end quite liked the slightly patterned result of the blended graphite.
I had so much fun with the canvas that I decided to give a second one a try, once again using my Identi-Pen along with some metallic Sharpies, a grey Fabrico marker, and a white Gelly Roll pen.
Now on to a new week of tangling!
The Zentangle® Method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at
Previous posts in this series are all tagged Tangled Tuesday.
For background on how I discovered and got involved in Zentangle, and links to further information and resources, check out my blog post For the love of tangling.
You can browse my entire tangle gallery at Ten Thousand Tangles, visit the Zentangle site to view my CZT profile, and check out my personal/small business website at Laurel Regan, CZT.
And, if you’re interested in having a little piece of my art for yourself, please visit my Ten Thousand Tangles portfolios and shops on ArtofWhere, DeviantArt, Etsy, Redbubble, Society6, Spoonflower, and Zazzle. (Pssst… links to my international Ten Thousand Tangles shops on Zazzle are on my “shop!” page – just click on the appropriate flag and you’ll get to the place you need to be!)
How have you been creative this week?
Please share!