Happy Tangled Tuesday! This week, in addition to my usual learning of new tangles and completing of challenges, I also started and finished tangling a new and slightly larger project. I’m excited to share it with you, so let’s get on with it!
New Tangles
Since my previous Tangled Tuesday post I have learned the following new-to-me tangles.
From TanglePatterns.com:
From perfectly4med (Neil Burley):
From Enthusiastic Artist (Margaret Bremner, CZT):
From Open Seed Arts (Carole Ohl, CZT):
Finished Project
I spent a HUGE chunk of time this weekend working on an extremely detailed 6″ x 6″ ZIA. Something a little different about this one is that I didn’t do any pencil shading, rather used pen stipples where I wanted to give the drawing some dimension.
I’m really, really pleased with the way this one turned out. It’s been awhile since I created any new products for my online shops, but I think this design might just make the cut! Stay tuned…
Since my previous Tangled Tuesday post I have completed the following tangle challenges.

Zentangle 126 for Diane & Carolien’s Weekly Challenge #42: Tangle with I-J-G,
using ING, Jax, and Groovy

Zentangle 127 for Weekly Challenge #252 –
“String Theory: Tangle within a tangle… it’s like inception… but with tangles” (Tipple string)

ZIA 78 for joey’s weekly tangle challenge #97 – Musical theme (music note)
Now on to a new week of tangling!
The Zentangle® Method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.
Previous posts in this series are all tagged Tangled Tuesday.
For background on how I discovered and got involved in Zentangle, and links to further information and resources, check out my blog post For the love of tangling.
You can browse my entire tangle gallery at Ten Thousand Tangles.
And, if you’re interested in having a little piece of my art for yourself, please click on the GoFundMe button below for more information and also visit my Ten Thousand Tangles portfolios and shops on ArtofWhere, DeviantArt, Etsy, Redbubble, Society6, Spoonflower, and Zazzle. (Pssst… links to my international Ten Thousand Tangles shops on Zazzle are on my “shop!” page – just click on the appropriate flag and you’ll get to the place you need to be!)
How have you been creative this week?
Please share!