Happy Tangled Tuesday! I’ve had a full and busy week of tangling fun, but before I start rambling on about my own stuff I want to share a link to an excellent post written by Sandy Hunter, CZT and shared on her blog (tanglebucket). I’m passing it on to you because I think she does an amazing job of thoughtfully and comprehensively articulating what makes Zentangle® different from tangling, doodling, and drawing/art in general – it’s well worth bookmarking and taking the time to read.
In terms of my own artwork, the majority of what I do would be best classified as tangling rather than Zentangle, with my finished pieces considered Zentangle-Inspired Art (or ZIA). I believe it’s important to maintain that distinction for all the reasons Sandy outlines in her blog post, and have always endeavoured to do so whenever I make reference to my work.

Important Announcement!
In case you missed it a couple of weeks ago, I’ve set up a single page on Alphabet Salad gathering my ever-growing list of portfolios and shops together in one easy-to-navigate hub (which will be updated as my online presence evolves). If you’d like to check it out, just look for the row of buttons below the Alphabet Salad header and click on * shop! to get there.
Tangled Goodies
Even in this digital age, pretty well every home I’ve visited has at least one wall calendar (and most often more!) on display. So I thought hey – how about creating a Ten Thousand Tangles version? Yes, I think so!
Each month features a different Zentangle-Inspired Art piece by yours truly (if you visit the Ten Thousand Tangles Calendar page you can scroll through and check out which ones I chose), and the calendar starts any time from now until January 2016 (you get to pick!) and runs for twelve months.
Now wouldn’t that make a nice gift for someone (even if that “someone” is yourself)?! Yes, I think so! 🙂
New Tangles
I learned a handful of new designs this week – Join, Watusee, Phirst, and Heart Divided, all from TanglePatterns.com.
I also learned CanT (by Chris Titus, CZT) so that I could participate in The Diva’s Challenge (see below!).
Finished Projects
I’m happy to say that I have another finished piece to share – rather a fun one, I think!
I’d originally envisioned that this one would look as though you were viewing different patterns through a series of round “windows” or cutouts, but when I’d finished shading I thought it ended up with the patterns being more like spheres sitting on a black background. What do you think? (I realize that this photo is rather blurry, but the digital version I uploaded to Redbubble is much more like the original, if you’d like to check it out and weigh in with your opinion.)
I also completed The Diva’s Challenge, which was a UMT (Use My Tangle) this week featuring “CanT” by Chris Titus, CZT. I decided to use one “CanT” as my string, and fill in the spaces with slightly different versions of CanT, and here’s how it turned out:

Zentangle 99, for The Diva’s Challenge #234
I will admit to being a bit rushed when I did this challenge, so the end result is a little sloppier (and a lot less Zen!) than it could/should have been, but I suppose these things happen.
Now on to a new week of tangling!
The Zentangle® Method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.
Previous posts in this series are all tagged Tangled Tuesday.
For background on how I discovered and got involved in Zentangle, and links to further information and resources, check out my blog post For the love of tangling.
You can browse my entire tangle gallery at Ten Thousand Tangles.
And, if you’re interested in having a little piece of my art for yourself, please click on the GoFundMe button below for more information and also visit my Ten Thousand Tangles portfolios and shops on ArtofWhere, DeviantArt, Etsy, Redbubble, Society6, Spoonflower, and Zazzle. (Pssst… links to my international Ten Thousand Tangles shops on Zazzle are on my “shop!” page – just click on the appropriate flag and you’ll get to the place you need to be!)
How have you been creative this week?
Please share!