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Tangled Tuesday No. 14

It seems as though I’ve been moving in slow motion ever since I returned home from BlogHer ’14, and as a result I’m getting buried deeper and deeper in my personal “To Do” list. I feel like I need another week off work – without any other commitments such as traveling across the continent to attend a blog conference! – just to get caught up on life. Still, in spite of everything, I did find some time for tangling this week, so let’s get on with today’s Tangled Tuesday post!

Tangling Goodies

Now that I’ve made my way through all of the patterns in Joy of Zentangle (as you’ll see below in the “New Tangles” section of my post), the next book on my TBR (To Be Read) – or rather, TBT (To Be Tangled)! – list is Yoga for Your Brain by Sandy Steen Bartholomew. I previously learned the tangles in another of her books, Totally Tangled… and while I enjoyed the book and discovered several favourites, I also found a number of the designs to be fairly complicated. We’ll have to see how it goes with this second book… but I’m looking forward to the challenge!

And… not exactly a tangling goodie, but I thought I’d share a silly little happening I found amusing. While Peter and I were out on our Friday date night last week (ice cream cones and a walk by the river) we were being pestered by a flock of very noisy seagulls who were desperately trying to communicate that they wanted us to share our cones with them. As we were laughing at their antics, one thing led to another and our conversation took a turn for the wacky (as it so often does!)… and Peter said something along the lines of, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you could find a perfectly white seagull so you could tangle it?!” This was just a couple of weeks after he’d watched me tangle a pair of white sneakers, so I think he must have had 3D white objects (or seagulls, as the case may be) on the brain!

Yeah, we’re a little odd. 😉

New Tangles

This week I learned Sag, Slurp, Soup Bowls, Square in Square, Starry Night, Static Variation, Stature, Swag, Teardrops, Tuffit, Tufted Leaves, Twilight Zone, Twisted Ribbons, Vernazz, Wabi, Waves, Web, and Whirls, all from Joy of Zentangle. (If you’re following along in Joy of Zentangle you might notice that I’ve been skipping a few of the designs. This isn’t because I didn’t like or want to do them, but because I’ve previously learned them through one of my other books. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there is often overlap and some repetition between the various Zentangle®1 books.) This last batch of tangles brings me to the end of Joy of Zentangle – and I must say, it’s been a fun ride! I definitely recommend adding this book to your library of tangle resources.

I also learned A-fog, which was posted this week on TanglePatterns.com.

And Felix was especially “helpful” during tangle practice this week. I think he missed me while I was away!

Felix certainly makes tangle practice more challenging... #tangle #zentangle #moleskine #catsofinstagram


I’ve just started working on the letter M in my tangled alphabet. I’m not progressing quite as quickly through the series as I’d hoped – I’d originally targeted finishing by the end of summer – but with any luck I’ll be able to wrap up the project some time in September so that I can get my originals scanned and start offering monogrammed products on Ten Thousand Tangles. Let’s see – I have 14 letters left to go, so that means I’d have to tangle two per week in order to finish by the end of September. Think I can do it? Time will tell!

Finished Projects

This week I managed to finish the letter L, squeezing it in just under the wire so that I could include it in this post!

Zenletter L

Zenletter L

Coming Soon

This week’s tangling goals include:

  • Carry on with my Zenletter collection – completing M and N.
  • Continue adding products to Ten Thousand Tangles.
  • Create pieces for new sponsors.
  • Photograph my previously-completed set of four Zendalas and set up listings to sell the originals in my as-yet-to-be-opened Etsy store.


Previous posts in this series are all tagged Tangled Tuesday.

For background on how I discovered and got involved in Zentangle, and links to further information and resources, check out my blog post For the love of tangling.

You can browse my entire tangle gallery at Ten Thousand Tangles.

And, if you’re interested in having a little piece of my art for yourself, please click on the GoFundMe button below for more information and also visit my Zazzle shop Ten Thousand Tangles. (Pssst… links to my international Ten Thousand Tangles shops are in the Alphabet Salad sidebar – just click on the appropriate flag and you’ll get to the place you need to be!)

1 The Zentangle® Method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

NaBloPoMo August 2014

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.