The date for my husband’s surgery is rapidly approaching, and we have much to do to prepare ourselves and our house for the event. The maddening thing is that probably the biggest task of all – that is, preparing “the pink room”* on the second floor for him to use as he’s recuperating – is something that we (but mostly I, as the stuff that’s been tossed into the room is pretty well all my junk) have needed to do ever since we moved in almost a year ago, but somehow never seemed to get around to it.
Procrastination, thy name is Dawn!
(*As background, the room we refer to as “the pink room” was used by the former owners of the house as a bedroom for their little girl, and yes, as the name indicates, it’s all pink, all the time. Plus, the little girl’s name is still stencilled on the wall. I foresee some painting in our future!)
So as a start, this weekend I plan to tackle the mess that until now we’ve simply blocked from sight with a closed door. My goals for the next few days include:
- Shuffle some furniture so that I can move our filing cabinet into my office, then unpack (yes, they’re still packed!) our household files.
- Sort through the gigantic pile of paperwork (receipts, paid bills, warranties, etc.) that’s been accumulating since we first arrived in Windsor (gulp) and file them into my brand-spanking-new office setup.
- Buy a dresser for our dressing room, so I can move my clothes out of the linen cupboard and our linens out of the pink room. (Seems logical, no?!)
- Find proper homes for all the random stuff (which, bizarrely, seems to have multiplied) that I threw into the pink room when tidying other areas of the house .
Such fun!
On the positive end of things, at least the job will finally be done… and when he’s fully recovered we’ll be able to use the room for its intended purpose – guests!
I think we’ll paint it first, though.
Maybe another day.