Apologies for the poor picture quality – my “real” camera is still hiding somewhere in a sea of half-unpacked boxes, and all I have is my phone – but I was so excited that I had to share.
The sweet basil seeds I planted on Sunday are sprouting!
You can’t really tell from this picture, but if you click through to the larger image on Flickr you can see them a little more clearly – look particularly at the ones in the top row and you’ll notice wee little green bits that have already made their way into the outside world. The amount of growth between last night and this morning, and then this morning and this evening, is actually noticeable!
So far I haven’t seen anything too earth-shattering on the other seeds, but now that I have a wee taste of success I am waiting with bated breath for new developments.
So wondrous!
This really is very fun and exciting for me, so I thank you all (particularly seasoned gardeners to whom this may be rather dull) for indulging my newbie-gardener thrill over such silly little baby steps. 🙂