(Note: This post was written by Laurel Regan and originally published in a separate blog called “Fibre Yarns”, which was later merged with Alphabet Salad.)
I spent most of yesterday posting all of my archival fibre arts-related LiveJournal entries to this shiny new blog, and this morning labeling the posts, and now I’m finally ready to blog about my new adventures in the wonderful world of fibre arts!
Since my previous blog entries I’ve dabbled a bit – I started a crocheted dishcloth, and also tried my hand at needle felted cookie cutter Christmas tree ornaments – but really, my hobby has suffered from a very long creative slump/dry spell.
But I’m hoping this will change in 2011! I’m meeting up with a friend tomorrow for a one-on-one refresher course in crocheting and a crash course in gauge, which I never actually got around to learning. (Learning gauge is very important to me, as my lack of knowledge in that area was the stumbling block that discouraged me from continuing on with my crocheting hobby – see bullet #4 in this post). Then early in the new year I’ll be taking group crochet lessons (a Christmas gift from my husband) at Beehive Wool Shop, which will be taught by the same friend with whom I’m meeting tomorrow. I’m really excited about getting back into the crochet groove, and meeting some new people in the process.
Looking forward to a new year of fibre!