Last year at this time, I wrote…
Where 2010 was waiting for life to happen,
may 2011 be consciously living it.
Where 2010 was expecting something for nothing,
may 2011 be empowerment and seizing control.
Where 2010 was planning,
may 2011 be doing.
Where 2010 was caution,
may 2011 be calculated risks.
Where 2010 was fear,
may 2011 be courage.
May it be.
So, what happened in 2011?
- January and February: We cleaned and tidied and fixed and packed, readying our house to be listed for sale.
- March to September: We put our house on the market; we worked and waited, hoped and feared, cried and raged with frustration before we finally found a buyer.
- September: We flew across the country to a city we’d never even visited; we shopped for and offered on and inspected and finalized the deal on a house, all in the space of a whirlwind week.
- September to October: We packed and packed and packed; we hired movers; we put our car on the train; we said goodbye to family and friends; we worried about traveling with our elder kitty; we successfully flew across the country to live in our new home.
- November to December: We settled into our new home and city; my husband had a health scare that turned out to be a wakeup call for both of us; I was invited to write a weekly column for an online news site; we celebrated our first Christmas in our new home with a new friend; my first column was published.
You know what? I think I got what I’d hoped for, and so very much more.
Now, on to 2012!