Hello from a very-busy-socially-and-therefore-very-negligent-blogger! I know I’ve been rather scarce around these parts lately – my schedule has been full to bursting (welcome to December!) with today being the first breather I’ve had in two weeks, and I just haven’t been able to make the time to dedicate to posting. There are only so many hours in a day, right?! But today is Sketchy Saturday and I’m BACK on the blog, excited to share all about this week’s fun Draw & Sketch class.
Hope you enjoy!
I was on my own this week, as my friend wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t make it to class – and quite honestly, I almost bailed as well, as I was dying for a night off from all the craziness. But, knowing that there were only two classes left, I dragged myself out of the house for yet another evening – and am glad I did, as I had a great time and learned a lot.
The theme of the lesson was caricatures, and we spent the entire evening drawing various exaggerated cartoon-like characters to learn how to communicate personality through features, posture, size, details, and so on.
We started with cute, drawing a baby and a little devil…

…then a Big Bad Evil Guy…

…followed by a Mad Scientist (though mind ended up looking more like a Crazed Clown!)…

…then a strong superhero…

…and a weak geek…

…and finally two witches in differing degrees of friendliness.

Fun, right?!
Now we have just one class left, which is apparently going to move away from cartoony and back to fine art, with a lesson on shadows. I’m looking forward to it, but will be so sad when we’re all done. I need to think of how I can continue to learn when it’s over!
How have you been creative this week?
Please share!