Today has shaped up to be one of those “I got nothing” days – at least, nothing that comes together to form a cohesive post – plus I have a headache that I’ve been fighting off for much of the evening. Boo! So instead of stretching my brain any longer I offer you the following randomness (and I do mean randomness), after which I think I will make it an early night and head to bed.
- Today is my parents’ 48th wedding anniversary. Yes, 48th! I am so very grateful for their wonderful and inspirational example of love and commitment.
- Speaking of gratitude… The Gratitude Linkup is still open and awaiting your posts. I’d love it if you’d get involved!
- Every time I turn around I find more bits of pink feathers that used to be part of my boa. That thing sheds like crazy.
- My lentil soup tasted even better the second day. Still a bit too gingery for my liking, but very yummy nonetheless.
- I’m not sure if there’s anything quite so adorable as a sleeping cat. Unless perhaps it’s two sleeping cats. I have a couple of them on the desk in front of me, so you can trust me. I know what I’m talking about.
And… that’s it. Stay tuned for a more scintillating post tomorrow!
I hope…