Well, we finally “de-Christmased” the house this evening. (What, it’s only January 12th – that’s not bad, for me!) I’m finding the front hallway looks incredibly bare now, without our beautifully-decorated tree standing in the place of honour, and it’s a little sad. I’m not a fan of the end of the holiday season.
I ordered a couple of books today – Beginning CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design and CSS Pocket Reference. I’m looking forward to seeing how they help me to develop my blog designs.
We have an energy audit booked for our house tomorrow, and we’re both geekily excited about it! Our house gets pretty cold sometimes, so I’m hoping we’ll be able to get some work done on the house that will help to cut our energy costs. If we can get it done before the end of March, we should be able to get a rebate under the current government program, which is the goal!
Still plugging away on learning the Thesis theme and applying it on one of my other blogs. I’m starting to get a better idea of where I want to go with the layout… now I just have to learn how to make it happen. The books I ordered should help!
Speaking of which, off to do some more designing.