If you happened to read my “Quirks & Oddities” post the other day, you might remember what I said about bare feet. Short version for those who missed it: a) I do NOT like photos of them at ALL and b) although photos of my own do exist, I wasn’t planning on sharing any of them here, because [ see a) ]. Well, apparently my choice for today’s Photo Friday challenge prompt of “Patterns” makes me a liar – because not only are there bare feet in the picture, but also… they’re actually mine.
Ignore the feet, if you will, and concentrate on the patterns!
This picture was taken last summer (right around this time, I believe) while I was waiting for a connecting flight in the Phoenix airport. I was rather tickled by the pattern of this carpet, as if you look carefully you can see the shapes of dark- and light-coloured airplanes (appropriate!) over what to me looks like ripples in a pond.
Seeing this photo actually makes me feel a little wistful, as when I took it I was happily en route to San Jose for BlogHer ’14… and for me, there will be no BlogHer ’15. I am remembering with fondness the wonderful people I met and spent time with last year, wishing this year’s conference attendees an amazing experience, and crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to attend another conference in future.
Happy Friday!
Got any exciting plans for the weekend?
Please share!