You might have expected that I’d select one of my many photos of the oh-so-adorable Felix and Oscar for today’s Photo Friday “Faces” challenge prompt – and I almost did, as there were a couple that I thought were perfect – but in the end I decided to head in an entirely different (and FAR sillier) direction, taking the “I see faces in inanimate objects” route.
Such as the rather sad expression on the back of this airport massage chair…
…and the indifferent (yet somehow wild-eyed) one on this space heater…
…and my personal favourite, the gossipy faces of these two tower viewers* leaning in for a chat.
* Say, did you know that’s what these things were called? I didn’t, until today! Always an education at Alphabet Salad…
So there you have it. Hey, I’ve been sick. Indulge me! 😉
Do you ever see faces in inanimate objects?
Please share!