The moment I saw that the word “Curvy” was today’s Photo Friday prompt, I knew exactly which picture I wanted to feature in my post – one I took a couple of years ago of a wonderful sculpture called “Neighbours” by artist Joe Rosenthal.
This particular version of the sculpture (I understand there are several copies) is located outside one of the University of Windsor buildings, and the body language of the two women has always intrigued me. Are they friends who are enjoying each other’s company, or is their relationship a frosty one? Are they chatting together, or pointedly ignoring each other? Are they pondering a piece of bad news, or simply lost in thought?
What do you think?
In other news… I’m still feeling rather blah today, so I turned to my copy of 14,000 things to be happy about for a pick-me-up. It’s chock full of – you guessed it – things to be happy about, and if it doesn’t inspire some happiness, nothing will!
→ The 100 Happy Days web site
→ My 100 Happy Days posts
What made you happy today?
Please share!