As this month marches on I am counting down with great anticipation to October when my parents and sister will be arriving in Windsor for a visit with us. Funnily enough, last year at this time I was counting down to a visit as well – but back then it was me heading out west to spend some time with them.
I had a great little vacation, and while I was there tried to fit in as many of my beloved Victoria places to see and things to do as I possibly could. One of those excursions included a visit to Fisherman’s Wharf, complete with lunch at Barb’s Fish & Chips, a photo-taking stroll along the docks, and – of course! – a visit with the local seals and otters.
Even though I’m a little (rather, a LOT!) paranoid about dropping my phone into the water, I couldn’t resist (very carefully) snapping picture after picture of these beautiful creatures – and for today’s Photo Friday “Creature” prompt I’m sharing one of my favourites.
Isn’t he gorgeous?! Revisiting the sight of that whiskered face with its enormous soulful brown eyes and subtle smile feels to me like a great way to head into the weekend.
Happy Friday!
Got any exciting plans for the weekend?
Please share!