We had one heck of a storm here yesterday – not the worst I’ve seen, but still bad enough, with thunder booming and lightning flashing (not to mention rain pouring and the occasional hail pelting) at various times throughout the afternoon, evening, and well into the night. Coming from a part of the country where thunder and lightning are rare, they’re still quite a novelty to me – and though I certainly don’t like the damage (and sometimes destruction) that is often the result of a storm’s handiwork, I do love being in the middle of its awesome power and drama.
It’s still grey and overcast this morning, so in a way it’s rather timely that “Cloudy” happens to be today’s Photo Friday challenge prompt.
And now on to the last long weekend of summer (for those of us in countries that observe Labour/Labor Day). Now that I’m working part time and have every Monday off anyway, long weekends don’t mean quite as much to me as they used to – but I’m glad for those of you who will be able to enjoy some extra time off!
Got any exciting plans for the weekend?
Please share!