My choice for today’s Photo Friday “Blur” prompt is a picture I took last spring for the photo a day challenge in response to a “Fast” prompt. I’m not sure if this is quite what either group had in mind when they came up with their prompts, but it works for me!

And, today’s happiness is brought to you by a bag of ouzo candies which elicited a delighted squeal from me when I saw it on the rack. I never see these particular candies in Windsor, and I LOVE them, so I was quick to buy a bag to share with the family!
Just a short post today, as I’ve been up since the wee hours and worked a full day. But before I go I’ll leave you with a picture I took this morning as I passed a shoe store on my way to the office. Apparently Elvis lives!

→ The 100 Happy Days web site
→ My 100 Happy Days posts
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