First off, apologies to anyone who stopped in at Alphabet Salad today in hopes of seeing a Tangled Tuesday post. Since I’ve dedicated the entire month of April to NaPoWriMo and the Blogging from A to Z Challenge (read more here!), I decided to suspend our usual schedule today in favour of sharing the last half of my March Photo A Day Challenge pics with you.
But all is not lost! More than one of my photos this month just happen to feature a taste of tangling goodness, which I hope will tide you over until May when my weekly Tangled Tuesday posts will resume.
(Pssst – Need a tangling fix in the meantime? I’ll be posting new art to both my Ten Thousand Tangles Facebook Page and blog throughout the month of April, so feel free to drop by!)
I’ve been sharing my photos on Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, and the FMS Photo A Day group on Facebook, but thought I’d also periodically do a round-up of my photos here on Alphabet Salad for the benefit of my readers who aren’t active on any of these platforms.
Hope you enjoy!
(Clicking on any of the photos below will take you to my Flickr account… and, depending on your browser, hovering over them will give you – in some cases – an explanation as to how I interpreted the prompt.)
(March 1-14, 2015 photos here)
Will you be doing any challenges in April?
Please share!